At Caron Chiropractic, we believe in natural and holistic healing that brings you to your optimal level of health and wellness. Acupuncture plays a large role in natural, holistic healing and has been found as a safe, effective and comprehensive treatment for many different conditions and ailments. At Caron Chiropractic, we utilize acupuncture for our patients who are looking to seek pain and health improvement. If you are searching for a quality acupuncturist in St. Paul, MN, you have found your home at Caron Chiropractic. Call our office today and schedule an appointment with Tim-Graff-D.C. Dr Tim is an expert at the art of acupuncture. You will be glad you did!
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture dates back thousands of years ago as a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Throughout the last several years, acupuncture has gained more awareness and popularity among western cultures like the United States. Acupuncture is treatment in which we assist the body in healing and improving its own bodily functions. Utilizing a sterilized, hair-thin needle, our acupuncturist will apply the stainless steel needles to specific points of focus. This tiny needle begins to alter the effect of different physiological and biochemical conditions, making it possible to begin healing itself from the condition or pain that it is currently in.
Our Acupuncturist
At Caron Chiropractic clinic, we are proud to watch Dr. Timothy Graff bring relief to so many people in St. Paul, MN through the use of acupuncture. As a licensed Chiropractic and certified chiropractic acupuncture, Dr. Graff is well versed on any questions you may have regarding acupuncture. He provides an integrated approach to all of your needs, whether it’s chronic headaches or knee pain, he can help you walk through the most appropriate course of treatment and put you back on the path to wellness.
Common Conditions and Ailments
There are many conditions and ailments that acupuncture has brought relief for with our patients. Most commonly, arthritis, back, neck, knee and shoulder pain have been successfully found to show healing with the use of acupuncture. Whatever your condition may be, our experts at Caron Chiropractic can help figure out what treatment is most appropriate for you. From as little as two needles to as much as 20, we will customize your acupuncture plan to be appropriate for your health and wellness goals.
For more information about acupuncture and our acupuncture services at Caron Chiropractic, give us a call today. Come schedule your appointment in St. Paul, MN and contact us today at (651) 255-9999 or feel free to send us an email with questions at