Stimulate The Body’s Natural Healing Abilities
Acupuncture has long been used for relief from chronic pain. It can also be effective in the treatment of many different health disorders and diseases. Acupuncture Therapy stimulates a body’s natural healing abilities and helps to remove blockages within the energy flow. An energy disruption can lead to pain and illness. When administered by a Licensed Acupuncturist, benefits of acupuncture treatment can be significant. The Caron Chiropractic Clinic in St. Paul, MN offers acupuncture therapy along with other safe and effective, holistic treatments.
Benefits Of Acupuncture Treatment
Dr. Timothy Graff is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Doctor of Chiropractic at Caron Chiropractic Clinic in St. Paul, MN. He utilizes acupuncture treatments along with chiropractic adjustments for effective pain relief and improved health. Scientific studies have found evidence of many different health benefits of acupuncture treatments including the following:
- Back Pain Relief when used in along with Chiropractic Adjustments
- Better Immune System response
- Increases the Effectiveness of Medications for anxiety and depression
- Helps to Alleviate Heartburn
- Improved Sleep Quality
- Lessens Discomfort of Radiation Treatment side effects
- Helps to Dull Migraine and Tension Headache pain
- Improved Digestive Function
- Helps to Fight Obesity in some patients when added to diet and exercise
- Aids in treatment of Addictions
- Reduction of Joint Pain
- Improved Respiratory and Circulatory functions
- Reduction of Stress and Improved Sense of Well-being
How Acupuncture Works
A licensed acupuncturist skillfully inserts very fine sterile needles into specific anatomic areas of the skin. These acupuncture points are targeted areas along various energy and systemic pathways. The stimulation works to regulate blood flow and open up blocked passageways. This improved energy flow helps to restore a body’s natural balance and increases its ability to fight diseases and other health conditions. Pain is reduced and balance can be restored.
Licensed Acupuncturist in Minnesota
Caron Chiropractic Clinic in St. Paul, MN utilizes a holistic approach to healing that includes the practice of Acupuncture Therapy. Our clinic offers targeted acupuncture therapy in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments. These natural therapies work together to reduce pain and improve function and overall wellness. There are many health benefits attributed to Acupuncture Treatments that are administered by a highly trained Licensed Acupuncturist.
Call for an appointment today in our St. Paul, MN office at 651-255-9999