An auto accident isn’t something you can prepare for. It can happen within miles of your home or it may occur while on a trip with friends or family. While you can’t prepare for an auto accident, you can be proactive and have access to an auto injury physical therapist nearby. If you’ve recently been injured in a car accident, our auto injury physical therapists at Caron Chiropractic Clinic, P.A. are eager to help you recover naturally from this unexpected accident.
Your adrenaline is running after a car accident. You may feel like you are not injured, but the truth is that the injury symptoms could present themselves a few days or even months after the auto accident. The best way to protect yourself from any injury is to seek medical care as quickly as possible. At Caron Chiropractic Clinic, P.A., our physical therapist team focuses on auto injuries and we believe that quick treatment after an auto accident is key. If your symptoms are ignored and a medical evaluation isn’t completed, a small injury from the auto accident could lead to a much bigger injury down the road. All you need to do after the auto accident is to call our physical therapists, and we’ll get you into our office for an evaluation quickly.
Customized Auto Injury Treatment Plan
Every auto injury is different and one treatment plan will not work for all of our patients at Caron Chiropractic Clinic, P.A. That is why we incorporate a detailed auto injury evaluation initially so that we get a true understanding of the injuries that you may be dealing with. From there, our physical therapists will develop an auto injury treatment plan focused on natural medical treatment options. Rather than masking the injury, our natural treatment methods focus on helping the body recover holistically so that you can get back to full strength. Rather than recommending pain medication or invasive surgery to address your auto accident injury, our physical therapists utilize a wide range of natural treatment options, which include:
- Chiropractic Care
- Acupuncture
- Massage Therapy
- Laser Therapy
- Many More
Auto Injury Physical Therapist in St Paul
So, if you have recently been involved in an auto accident, it is important to seek medical care quickly. As an auto injury physical therapist, we hope that you’ll put your trust in our staff to provide you with a customized auto injury treatment plan. To request an auto injury evaluation from one of our physical therapists, contact Caron Chiropractic Clinic, P.A., today by calling (651) 255-9999 or by emailing