Are you in the middle of a pregnancy that is wearing you down? Are you struggling with pain on a daily basis? Concerned that you can’t find pain relief to get you through the remaining months of your pregnancy? Well, our team at Caron Chiropractic has some good news for you! If you are in the St. Paul, MN area, set up an appointment with our holistic medical team and take advantage of our natural pregnancy relief options that will keep both you and your baby safe! You do not have to be in pain and discomfort during the remainder of your pregnancy.
Enjoying Your Pregnancy Is An Option
Yes, our team of chiropractors believe that a pleasant pregnancy is possible. You may not think it is possible in your current situation, but once you take advantage of our natural pregnancy relief services, we are confident that the rest of your pregnancy will be more pleasant and enjoyable. Through our effective chiropractic services for pregnancy relief, you’ll notice improvement around controlling any vomiting or nausea as well as improved pain relief in your back, neck and joints. In addition to the immediate relief you’ll experience through our chiropractic services, there are additional benefits that will help your pregnancy closer to delivery. These benefits include:
● Higher Likelihood of Full-Term Pregnancy ● Reduced Length of Labor and Delivery ● Less Likely to Have a Cesarean Section or Vaginal Breech Delivery
Proper Pelvic Alignment
One of the goals for our team of chiropractors is to establish proper alignment with your pelvis. Changes in your pelvis and uterus can cause misalignment and significant pain during a pregnancy. It also can reduce the amount of space that your baby has to grow and develop. By working to keep your spine in proper alignment, our staff will be able to keep your pelvis in proper alignment as well. Our chiropractic adjustments will even help get your baby into the best position for delivery as well!
Safe Relief During Pregnancy
The great thing about chiropractic care is that it is completely safe, even during a pregnancy. Our team has been trained specifically on chiropractic care for pregnancies. We’ll work with you every step of the way to make sure that both you and your baby are comfortable. In addition to our effective and safe chiropractic treatments, we’ll also provide stretch and exercise recommendations to help make sure that you have a successful pregnancy with limited pain.
You do not have to continue going through your pregnancy in significant pain. Now is the time to seek natural pregnancy relief from our team at Caron Chiropractic. If you are in the St. Paul, MN area, give us a call today at (651) 255-9999 or email to set up an appointment with our chiropractic staff.